Wednesday 13 February 2013

Xtreme Coaching

Xtreme Coaching

I was tasked with picking up the kids after school today, an assignment I try and avoid not because I don’t like being with the children but I just never seem to get the hang of finding where they are. I always have to call my wife to ask by the way how many kids do we have and where is the missing one. I am comforted to see a few other fathers going through the same predicament. Men need help God was wise in giving us helpers.

But what I found interesting in the process today was my oldest daughters demand for me to watch her swimming lesson. I tried to escape but she insisted so I eventually agreed. Imagine this the pool area is full of kids and there are some mommies around watching and there I am standing out like a sore thumb, the only daddy sitting there with three kids. All the mommies are thinking wow what a sensitive dad coming to be with the kids. I’m thinking all the assignments are waiting for me and I am feeling awkward here. Well that part of life. When the swimming began a lesson came to me. As a successful success coach, father husband author and Pastor I suddenly noticed that the kids that were coached seemed to be more confident and skilled at swimming than those that are not.

It became very obvious which kids lived in the water because they have a swimming pool at home and those that saw the water in a cup of tea or the bathtub. I learnt a few lessons that I want to share with you. If you are to stand out in your area of specialization you will need to consider these things carefully. Need I say that the darker skinned kids were at a disadvantage because they don’t naturally take to water or any other risky habit? So what are you missing out on that could make you stand out and be a champion. To be a great swimmer buy a house with a pool and get a coach.

My kids are 4, 7 and eight and they swim very well in fact my daughter who is in grade three will be representing her school in freestyle as they compete with Rudly college on Friday. But this is because my wife was a great swimmer at school and won many trophies in her days and she has always insisted that the kids learn to swim. We do extra lesson for them all through the year and we have watched them turn from hydrophobic kids to water loving swimmers. The transformation is amazing from swimming with noodles to swimming with no helps at all.

Here are the lessons
  1. You can become good at anything you focus on
  2. To become great begin by knowing where you are and where you want to be
  3. What you invest in will give you Return on investment (Are you investing in your dream)
  4. Your daily routine with determine the skills that become natural to you
  5. The mastery of a skills requires a coach who can push you to new levels of self actualisation
  6. Having a mentor watch over you causes you to perform beyond you ordinary level
  7. Motivation brings out hidden abilities that make you larger than life so get a coach

Wow when I thought on this I was so excited I attended that swimming lesson am sure will go again soon, I might just get some more wisdom.

Whose coaching you? Our e-coaching program can help you discover the swimmer in you remember “Even you can succeed”

Let Pastor Tich E-coach you to your next level