Monday 23 January 2012

Creating A Success Mentality

Having worked with people from different backgrounds over the last few years of my life I have come to the realization that there are no dull people. There are lazy people and underdeveloped people but all people have the potential to do great things. The mind is a rich resource that needs to be invested in and molded in order to see the greatness that is in you manifesting. I have given myself to giving people an opportunity to be great by developing people. The Bible tells us that as a man thinks so is he. In other words your life is the sum total of your thoughts. If I can change your thinking I can change your life. The Bible also says let the wicked man forsake his thoughts, so it is possible for me to deal with my thinking until I am thinking in line with His plan.
What paradigms need changing in your life in order for you to see success? A paradigm is a way of thinking that produces a way of living. It is what motivates us to live in a certain way. Our paradigms determine what we do and how we live and relate with our surroundings. Right paradigms result in successful living and the opposite is true.
We often try and change our lives by running to everyone else and trying to change them as if they are the source of our failure, when in reality we should deal with our heads. Be transformed by renewing your mind. If I can rewire my mind and can change my current reality and live a successful life. Always remember you are the primary person responsible for the quality of life that you will live.
The word transformed is from the word metamorpho where we get the word metamorphosis. Which speak about the change an goes through from egg to worm to larvae in a cocoon till it’s a butterfly and lays more eggs. You can change you life totally until you are beyond recognition.
Having said all this can I add and say it is your responsibility to work on your mindset and get yourself ready to succeed. Success is not accidental it is a process that one goes through to active a set goal. As we continue with this topic for the next few weeks I would like to encourage you to take responsibility over you mind. Fill it with good things and expose it to greatness stretch yourself be inspired by good reading material that exposes you to a world of amazing opportunity. Here is an amazing principle. “If you can draw a clear vision your mind can create a path to make that vision a reality”. A renewed and empowered mind is a great thing to have; it can create many ways to achieve a set goal.
Get you mind renewed with positive affirmations about your life and you will see you life changing. The question to ask now is how can I renew my mind in preparation to do my destiny? Well that's a good question; here are some tips to follow that will help you as they have done many others and me
Read the word of God
Read inspirational and informative books
Get around and see what the world has to offer
Maintain friendships and relationships that provoke greatness in you
Draw up a vision that stretches you and begin to pursue it
Get a life coach who will speech you and help bring the best out of you
Finally use the principle of Auto-suggestion (self suggestion) this means getting into the habit of speaking to yourself the desired reality until you see that it will happen
These ate tried and tested and this will work for you. Can I close by making you and offer. I developed a tool that will help you. Its called ''Success Paradigms 101 '' an amazing tool for introspection and developing a thought process that helps you have a clearly defined vision. This tool will help you change and deposition your life for success within 30 days and guess what its free we can send you and electronic copy if you send us an email request to Enjoy yourself and lets meet in the corridors of greatness.

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