Friday 12 July 2013

You are the limit!!!

You are the limit!!!

Here is an article that blessed me so much I had to share it. As a Pastor and Success Coach I have come to learn that most people limit themselves and do not enjoy the fullness of what God has for them. I remember some years ago walking into a restaurant as a guest to one of my friends. As I sat down the waiter placed a napkin on my lap and I was thinking wow… ok!!! Then I was asked what would you have to drink sir. I would have said water had I known that that each drink was R45. I then looked at the menu and saw that the starter was R110 minimum. By this time my mind was racing what will my host order? Does he know the prices on the menu? Should I say I lost my appetite? Do I deserve to eat such “expensive food?”

Now I know you have never been there and you are laughing at me, it was a great learning experience for me. Well now I don’t even look at the cost of the food if I am invited I just order what I want as long as I can read those strange words on the menu. But anyway here is the lesson I was ordering based on what I thought the host could pay and based on what I thought I deserved. When I read this article by my friend Darlington Steve it rang a bell in me and I said to him I would blog this article; keep reading.

The three most important assets to make man succeed are 1. Believing in God. 2. Believing in oneself. 3. Believing in the ability God has deposited in you. Mastering this, the world will not play with the grace on the inside of you.

Wow interesting how many of us pray prayers that measure Gods ability to meet your need? We often think through first and we pray “order from the menu” based on what we think of the host and what we feel we deserve. Expensive is relative, I decided to take that word out of my vocabulary and rather say I don’t want something because saying its expensive takes me out of the playing field.

You are the limit to what God can do in your life; Gideon was faced with an interesting challenge when God called him to deliver a nation from bondage. I often say when God said to him “hey mighty man of velour” (rephrased) Gideon like most of us looked around him then turned to God and said excuse me God are you talking to me? Our self-doubts cause us to undermine Gods ability to do great things though us. Like TD Jakes says “its dangerous when you put big on small”. Wow how many times has God attempted to do great things though us and we look around thinking there is a better candidate. Well I got news for you He wants to use you so you might as well get your head on right believe in God and believe in what He has placed inside you.

Like Gideon let God show you what He can do and His amazing track record to use “nobodies” to do something, the bible is full of it. So start believing in yourself today and rise up and do great things for the Kingdom of God. For more on this please get my book and read about how “Even you can succeed”. Remember He made you Himself and He knows what you can do its time to believe in God

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