Saturday 21 September 2013

Africa hear the Word of the Lord

Chapter Ten

In this chapter, I want to close by sharing with you a word from the Lord that I believe will encourage you and help you see Africa from God’s perspective. It is a Word that will provoke us to look at and review some of the things that have happened to Africa and some habits that we have adopted that are limiting our progress.

A Word for Africa

As I draw to a conclusion of this timely publication, I want to share with you a word of prophecy that God shared with me. This word serves to be an encouragement to all that will choose to take a step into their destiny and assignment and make a contribution to mankind in a great way

Thus says the Lord. The next great work of my Sprit is being birthed in Africa; there will be such a sowing of my Word that will cause many to arise and do great exploits. I have and I will call many to my ministry to serve me and cause my purpose to be established. Some will be called into ministry to preach, to teach, and to inspire change and transformation, and others will be called into business to create wealth and bring resources for the work that will be done; they will walk in such dimension of wealth creation as has not been seen heretofore. For they will within a short space of time do that which it took others many years to do. And yet others I will call to leadership in different platforms where they will speak and their voice will be heard far and wide. Political leaders and community leaders that shall stand and be my voice and my instruments for change. They will speak at various levels of influence and authority.

Let faith arise in the hearts of my people, and as they stand to declare my word and do my word, I will show myself strong on their behalf.

Across the continent, there will be a loud cry to say the season of change has come, and those that I have been preparing in the wilderness will know that it is the time of their showing forth and they will arise as an army prepared for the work. There will be great inventions that will be birthed that will so bless humanity and cause many to know me and to serve me. How I have longed for this time and season as I have loved my people with an everlasting love, and in this season, I will manifest my glory and goodness in ways beyond imagination. Let faith arise in the hearts of my people, and as they stand to declare my word and do my word, I will show myself strong on their behalf.

The enemy has not been silent, but he has gone about as a roaring lion and spoken many words that have caused fear to arise in the hearts of the people. I am looking for faith, but he has sown the seed of fear that has caused heart to lose courage, as did the spies in my word. A nation on the verge of a great miracle was moved to fear when evil words were spoken. I will in this time so anoint my servant that will hear and obey me to speak with courage, boldness, and authority so that the words sown by the evil one will be reversed and faith will arise and its enemies will be scattered. There are some that have taken it upon themselves to sow seeds of fear among my people and have caused men’s hearts to lose courage and to walk in fear. They have taught words that do not come from me and caused hearts to lose courage. But I have also called some that will speak my word and silence the voices of the enemy and strengthen my people to do the work.

There will be transfers of wealth that will happen in the nations of Africa as I move wealth into the hands of my servant to do the work that is ahead. Storehouses of wealth are yet to be discovered that will cause the hearts of many to be moved with greed. Minerals that have lay hidden will be discovered, and there will be a rising up of those in power to contain that which I will do but this will not stop that which I will do. There will be a sound in the land – a sound of praise, a sound of celebration, a sound of great joy. The harvest will come in and many shall be blessed and be glad. In city after city, there will be great joy. I will move by spirit and touch and heal and deliver many.

There will be a sound in the land – a sound of praise, a sound of celebration, a sound of great joy.
Amen. Let it be so.

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