Tuesday 20 January 2015

The coffee that changed my life

On the 9th of September 2013 I had an encounter with a man of God that changed my life forever. I had the privilege of flying to East London on a Myles Munroe Ministries Chartered Jet. It was a providential call from Charlie Masala the Director for the African office that got the miracle in motion. His Pastor George Mosena was originally scheduled to fly with Dr. Myles but could not make the event because of some business meetings advised him to call me and ask if I was available to take his place and I was more than eager and immediately made myself available. The only hick up was I did not have the money for the event and Charlie graciously said no just book your room in the hotel and the rest will be sorted. Because I had a conference at the end of that week we had focused all our resources into making the conference a success. But God was working behind the scenes as he had a clear mandate that I was not privy to yet. Just as I was about to call Charlie and cancel the flight some members of the church called and said Pastor we have put together the money needed we want you to go for this event.
We arrived in East London on the Private jet and Doctor Myles landed 40 minutes later on another jet and this is where it gets exciting. We were all obviously exuberant and expectant to meet the legend. I had been reading his books and listening to him for just over 22 years and now I was about to meet him. On arrival he had his signature big smile and hearty welcome to the team and while hugs were being exchanged and greetings flowing and cameras flashing he said “Wow I have been travelling so much I need a cup of coffee” Because I was taught to serve I immediately ran to a Mugg and Bean which was a stone throw away and got him the coffee. On getting back to the company that was till doing pictures I handed him the coffee and he looked at me and said “Hey you heard my request for coffee” and he took the coffee and put his other hand on me and said “son receive the prophets rewards the Lord will take you to the nations…” I was stunned because by this time there was no formal introduction and he was prophesying into my life in line with the vision I carried.

Let me throw this in here as an extra beginning of 2012 I walked into Kenneth Copeland Ministries Office in Boskruin Randburg South Africa to meet the Director Christine Blumstein who has since become a mother to my wife and I. The moment she saw me the Prophetic anointing came upon her and she said three things to me that day 1. You are a businessman you will start many businesses 2. You will be a good father because you were a faithful son 3. You are the Myles Munroe of Africa you will teach many nations. I am meeting her for the first time and this is the greeting you get? Because I understand the prophetic I knew that something was happening and I received that word. As I write now we are speaking to many countries in Africa Via television and 9 Countries via radio my blogs have had over 200000 views. I have just launched a publishing company and a whole lot of other great things that we do not have time to talk about here.

We then got into the bus that took us to the hotel that when we got to speak a little and got introduced and I was amazed at he was so humble and human we could speak openly and freely. His love for people without regard to status image etc. was outstanding. We did the business of the day and went to bed while I thought on these things I felt led to give him a copy of my book Success Paradigms 101 so as we boarded the jet the next day I mustered enough courage to walk up to him and hand him a copy of my book. Because we now had established a relationship that was getting on very well he received the book opened it and browsed for a few seconds and his eye fell on a statement I had quoted from one of his books and he said this is a good book I receive then again at the airport he put his hand over me and said “My son receive the prophets reward. The anointing on my life is upon you. You will write more books than me, travel more countries than me and speak to more national leaders than me. The Lord will give you influence and you will walk in favor and you will be a voice…”

There was no keyboard, there was no intercession team praying in the spirit, I did not fall on the tarmac but something happened in my spirit that day that has changed the trajectory of my life and ministry. That was the beginning of a powerful relationship that has imparted great graces into my life. The cup of Mugg and Bean caffeinated coffee and a book worth R120 has changed my life forever. I shared this to encourage someone out there that disregard where you are and what you have been through trust God and He will direct your path. The coffee and the book was my best seed if I had cash on me that day I would have sown it but I gave my best seed and it changed my life. Did I buy the prophetic word? Not at all it was a step of faith that provoked the anointing to flow. God had a divine appointment and knew exactly what He wanted to do in my life and had to move all these people to ensure that it happened. God is at work in your life right now He is moving situations to make them work for your good.

If a cup of coffee can change my life I’m it can change yours, what your cup? What’s your seed? Regardless of how small it is. The widow sowed a seed into the prophet’s life and it happened to be her last meal but that act of faith fed her for a long time. Sow a seed into your man or woman of God connect with what God is doing in your destiny. Redefine your life forever.

Thank you God bless you

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